Sunday, March 1, 2009


Okay, so I have not officially begun training in karate-do yet, but I think I will add it to my list of pursuits soon. Based on discussions I've had with Pat, I really look forward to it, and think it will be a blast.

After our Aikido lesson Saturday, Pat demonstrated just a bit of karate for me. I practiced Tang Soo Do for years as a young child, making it about 75% to black belt. I briefly started it again early last year, but quit when I found I would be one of the only people in the class over 4 feet tall (lots of kids)...awkward. I've always been a fan of karate, but my understanding of kata was limited, to put it mildly. I've only just begun to learn about bunkai. Before, I thought a down block in a kata simulated blocking a low strike or kick, end of story. I had no idea how many potential applications might be contained in the most basic movements. Pat's been able to clear some of that up for me, and it's like I was blind, and now I (begin to) see!

We've also discussed how karate does not necessarily have to conflict with Aikido training, in terms of short-circuiting the evasion reflex we try to develop in Aikido. Pat wrote a fantastic article about that here. It really broadened my view.

So, as my interest in karate-do has been rekindled, I've been reading more about it. As I said in an earlier post, I recently finished Funakoshi's Karate-Do; My Way of Life. Now I'm reading his Karate-Do Nyumon. I'm trying to reacquaint myself with some of the stances, strikes, etc.

So for this pseudo-training log, I'll just mention what I worked on from it tonight.

Tennokata Omote:
  • Chudan Oi-zuki (middle level thrust punch)
  • Jodan Oi-zuki (upper level thrust punch)
  • Chudan Gakyu-zuki (middle level reverse punch)
  • Jodn Gakyu-zuki (upper level reverse punch)

I didn't count the repetitions, but there were many. I will surely need Pat's correction on things as I get back into this stuff.

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