Saturday, March 7, 2009

Judo, 3/7/09

Today we went from the "footsweep to control" drill to working on turning a failed kouchigari into a hip throw. The premise is, if uke jerks his feet back from you, but stays connected to you up top, he ends up leaning 30 degrees or so, and sets himself up for a hip or hand throw. I just need to remember to be careful with my footwork when turning around for the hip throw, and to get my center well under uke's.

We worked on the ground mobility cycle for a while next, then went into a review of escapes from the mount, with an emphasis on framing an arm under top guy after bridging, and moving hips to the opposite side as the leg you're trying to free up.

Next we worked on escapes from kamishiho (north-south). First up was the Bridge & Roll (trap one arm, put feet to the opposite side, and bridge over the shoulder on the same side you're trapping). Next was the "Spinout". In this one, you grab one of top guy's legs, throw your feet to the other side, then throw them back forcibly in the other direction while using your grabbing arm to help you spin out. This tends to put you under his side control (which may be easier to escape from), or enable you to put him in your guard. Lastly, the double bridge & roll. If you're setting up for a spinout escape (throwing your legs to the first side), and top guy readjusts to hold you better, when you throw your legs back and find the spinout hasn't worked, you can immediately bridge for a good escape. In this case, his defense against the spinout has set him up well for the bridge & roll.

A couple things I observed that I need to keep in mind: 1) Keep my own arms out of my way during escapes. 2) Learn to frame better when being held by kamishiho. Particularly, point my fingers toward my feet rather than my head - that'll keep my wrists from being bent back and sprained.


Patrick Parker said...

That's right except we were doing the transition from kouchigari to seoinage - not hipthrow. seoi is a hand throw but we were inserting the hip similar to a hip throw for more control and ease of learning. Later on that will become more of a pure hand throw like seoiotoshi or taiotoshi.

I had a blast at practice today. That was some great judo and aiki. Yo are improving greatly on inserting kouchi into the footsweep drill, and deashi has become pretty easy for you.

Todd said...

Thank you for the correction. I was thinking of it as a hip throw as we were doing it, I guess because it seemed like we were loading uke up more than we were in seoinage last week.

Today was also especially fun for me. Thanks for the encouragement!

Patrick Parker said...

You know, reading back over this, I realized something interesting. There is absolutely no difference between bridge&roll from mune and double bridge&roll form kamishiho.

in kamishiho, you try to do the spinout, get stuck in mune, and bridge&roll. You just used the spinout to reduce his hold to a previously solved problem - munegatame.

Hadn't quite made that connection before.
