Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Judo - session 7

10/25/08 - My seventh judo lesson. We went over the “stepping/sweeping” exercise, with an added element: random movement, as in randori.
We worked on hiza garuma again, and Pat introduced “hiza’s little brother”, sasae-tsurikomi-ashi (lifting/pulling ankle block).
Things for me to remember:
1) Think of the foot more as a “feeler” or prop – you’re not trying to support any weight with your foot.
2) Less is more.
3) The time to effect the throw is JUST before uke’s foot steps down.
4) This throw can come from a failed hiza if the foot is used as a feeler and just slides down uke’s leg.
5) Hiza happens early in the step, sasae-tsurikomi-ashi happens late in the step.

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