Friday, June 5, 2009

Words of Wisdom from Rener Gracie

I recently picked up the new Gracie Combatives DVD set (by Rener and Ryron Gracie). I'm only on disk 2, but I like it a LOT so far.

Rener said something that pertains to training (in all martial arts, I think) during one of their "reflex development drills" that I really like:

"The goal is not to simulate reality right now by going crazy. The goal is to prepare for reality by going slowly."

When my friends and I are playing around in our Judo/BJJ study groups, we tend to do everything all-out, and seldom slow down to analyze things. I think we're about to slow things down, commit more time to drills and a little less time to randori. "Fast is slow; slow is fast".

Rener and Ryron do a fantastic job of breaking things down into their simplest components. Maybe I'll do a full review of this set once I've seen it all. For now, let me just say this: As a newbie, I cannot recommend this DVD set highly enough, and it's a GREAT value at around $120 bucks.

1 comment:

slideyfoot said...

Like I said in my long review, I also think the level of instruction is excellent, but I remain dubious about online ranking and the alleged distinction between 'self defence' GJJ and 'sport' BJJ, which appears to denigrate the central importance of resistance training. However, the forthcoming 'Master Cycle' may well answer some of those criticisms.