Friday, June 5, 2009

Words of Wisdom from Rener Gracie

I recently picked up the new Gracie Combatives DVD set (by Rener and Ryron Gracie). I'm only on disk 2, but I like it a LOT so far.

Rener said something that pertains to training (in all martial arts, I think) during one of their "reflex development drills" that I really like:

"The goal is not to simulate reality right now by going crazy. The goal is to prepare for reality by going slowly."

When my friends and I are playing around in our Judo/BJJ study groups, we tend to do everything all-out, and seldom slow down to analyze things. I think we're about to slow things down, commit more time to drills and a little less time to randori. "Fast is slow; slow is fast".

Rener and Ryron do a fantastic job of breaking things down into their simplest components. Maybe I'll do a full review of this set once I've seen it all. For now, let me just say this: As a newbie, I cannot recommend this DVD set highly enough, and it's a GREAT value at around $120 bucks.

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