Wednesday, February 4, 2009

2009 Movies

This is not related to Judo or Aikido in any way, I'm just so jazzed about some of the movies that will be coming out this year. I'm not even a big "movie guy", but I will completely geek out in 2009 due to the following:

Watchmen - March

Monsters Vs. Aliens - March

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - May

Star Trek - May

Terminator: Salvation - May

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen - June

The A-Team - July

GI Joe - August

Of course I usually wait for movies to be released on Blu-Ray to watch them, so I'll be a little behind.

1 comment:

Rick Matz said...

I usually wait for the movie to appear on cable, unless it's something I just HAVE to see.