Sunday, November 30, 2008

Two Kinds of Shooting...

...Cameras and guns, that is.

This has nothing to do with Aikido, Judo, or indeed any martial art. This is a plug for a non-martial arts blog I just started to keep track of stuff I learn as I get into photography. If any of my thousands of loyal readers are camera/photography buffs, feel free to check it out here.

And stay tuned for yet another blog I'm going to get rolling this week. I only bought my first gun a few years ago, right after Hurricane Katrina. I'm now beginning to get more interested in guns and shooting, for fun and defense. This other blog will be about that stuff.

I guess to round out the "shooting" theme, I should learn single- and double-leg takedowns.

Man...novice martial artist, novice photographer, novice gun novicity seems to know no bounds.

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