Sunday, September 27, 2009

Judo/BJJ Study Group, 9/21/09

Last week we had a smaller group at our church judo study group. Three people, including myself. We reviewed all the material from the previous week, and spent a good bit of time doing that. Everyone did every technique with everyone else.

For the new material, we covered some fundamental ground movements: "bridging" and "shrimping".

We then went over munegatame, or side control, and 2 escapes from it: bridge-and-roll and shrimp-to-guard. I asked the guys to work on this not because I'm great at it, but because I suck at it!

We spent the last 15 minutes or so rolling.


Steve said...

Sounds like fun. IIRC, there are some very good side control escapes on Roy Dean's Blue Belt DVD.

Patrick Parker said...

Can't wait to see some more recent training logs - if you want to keep putting them up. I read them and it helps me keep in mind where you are and where you need to head next.