Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Beginning BJJ / Stephan Kesting

I thought I'd give a shout-out to Stephan Kesting, the guy behind the "Beginning BJJ" free e-book. Lots of bloggers have already written about Stephan's websites (here and here), so why does the world need another blog post advertising for him?

I just thought I'd express my appreciation for how he's going about this. For one thing, I HATE "interruption marketing". You know: the unexpected phone call, the spam in your email, the fliers in your mailbox or under the wiper blade on your car, or on your front door. Call me paranoid, but I don't like that strangers feel comfortable walking right up to my front door in the first place (check out this post from Adam @ Low Tech Combat for some thoughts on front door procedures). The fact that they leave litter there that I have to remove adds aggravation. With interruption marketing, I'm uninterested to begin with, and some part of me resents the intrusion upon my busyness at work or time with the family at home.

I'm much happier with "permission-based marketing" (as described by Seth Godin). I and so many others have given Stephan Kesting permission to market to us, and I think he respects that. I get an email from him maybe 2 to 3 times per week. I look forward to reading them. I think he adds value by giving pointers and inspiration to noobs like me. VERY occasionally, he sends me a special offer on his non-free stuff, and I don't mind at all. I'm going to order his full DVD library after Christmas.

Thanks to Mr. Kesting for adding a little value to my inbox, not just more spam.

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